What is VivyPay.com?
What services does VivyPay.com offer?
I have a VivyPay.com debit on my bank statement, why?
How do I terminate, stop or cancel a VivyPay.com subscription?
I do not remember having subscribed to VivyPay.com.
I did not receive an email from VivyPay.com about a subscription, why?
Where can I find information about the offer to which I have subscribed?
Where can I find information about my subscription and my VivyPay.com payment history?
I have several VivyPay.com debits on my bank statement, why?
I think someone used my credit card without my knowledge with VivyPay.com, what should I do?
What are the conditions for obtaining a refund?
How long is the delay before the refund is processed and in my account?
I forgot the email address used during the subscription, what should I do?
I can not remember my password, how do I recover it?
I can not remember the site I signed up for, what should I do?
I can no longer access the site for which I have a paid subscription to, what should I do?
My payment by credit card has been refused, why?
Are payments on VivyPay.com secure?
What is a CVV code and where can I find it?
The CVV code is the three-digit security number found on the back of your credit card that serves as a PIN when you make an Internet banking transaction.
Where can I view the Terms and Conditions?